
SEARCH with Me : Day 0 ; In defense of my decision

This is not much of a defense as much as chance to tell a story. It’s just that the title seemed catchy. So used it. Somehow, an image of me playing a role of a lawyer in a Hindi movie comes in mind. It is a court scene and in defense of the case I put such a brilliant argument that the claps of the audience decides the judgement for the case. Hence, using this title. Haha!

A year or two back, I came across a story. This story is about a mythical Greek character, Sisyphus. I have always believed mythology is nothing but a way the wise used to teach the layman various skills that will help them to live in a better way. Unfortunately, the laws and rituals remained behind and the intention died out. So now letter of law is being held ardently but the spirit of the law is not even being questioned.

So who is Sisyphus? Sisyphus was a king. In order to avoid death, he chained death. However, when death was liberated, the Gods punished Sisyphus with an eternal punishment. The eternal punishment is to toil a huge boulder to the top of a mountain, only to see it role down from that mountain. The path is treacherous. Sisyphus gasps for breath. With all his might he takes boulder to the top only to see all his efforts being futile as the rock rolls back to the bottom. Again Sisyphus has to go down and push that rock to the top of the mountain and continue this till the world ends.

Metaphorically thinking, we aren’t living any different! We all are living this punishment like Sisyphus. We wake up in the morning, do morning chores, rush to stop/station to catch a bus/local/metro to work, then work all day, doing same old tasks, tired after day's work we catch a local/metro in the evening crowd, come back to home tired, disgusted to do the same old, watch same old television shows & news, have dinner and sleep. Again next morning, we wake up only to see that boulder is back at the bottom. All our efforts of yesterday lead to nothing and we gotta start all over again.

It’s absurd to live this way, isn’t it? Robin Sharma aptly say, “Don’t live same year 75 times and call it a life.” It isn’t. This story has created a deep impact. When I came to the realization that I am living this punishment, the disgust became inescapable. Thus, it became imperative to find a solution. A solution, maybe to avoid this or to a find way so that process of carrying the boulder became a meaningful task in itself and was not an experience as absurd as it sounded.

Maybe, acknowledging the truth will conquer it. If it doesn’t, it certainly brings questions that will lead us to the answers. Right now I am on a dual quest. One is to find success, observe it so one day I be it. After all, you can’t hit a target you can’t see. And another is to search an answer to this myth. My visit to SEARCH, is the first step in this quest.

Acknowledging the truth will conquer it.

Gandhiji said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service of others.” Congruently, “Only a life lived in service of others is worth living” said Einstein. All these thoughts have led to this moment. A moment before I start my journey to SEARCH, Gadchiroli. A hospital, in remote area of India. A place where conditions to live still aren’t good. Merely sustainable.

I know not much right now. Haven’t ever been there. That area is also Naxalite affected. So I don’t think it will be some holly jolly ride. I am afraid as much as I am excited. Probably more of previous than the later. 'Eager to Volunteer' mail has been sent. Positive reply has been received. To and fro tickets have been booked. However, the mind keeps on screaming, "Don’t go! Don’t do it. We don’t need to go there. We have to study" and many more of such traps.

I am afraid, yet I am doing the things that are ought to be done. Taking the tougher path. And the best part is I am going alone. No friends. No family. When I tell this to friend they are like, how can you go alone? And such chats gives me courage more than anything else.

Many are afraid to be alone. Afraid to hear their own thoughts speak. But well, this is a quest, we may find many friends on way, but the warrior of light starts alone. Kinda feels like Santiago from 'The Alchemist'. He is also scared while starting on the journey across Sahara. But what brings peace to my heart is the knowledge that he ultimately does reach his goal.

Night is silent. Lots of answers to find. Will we find the answer? Isn’t really the question. When will we find it? Is the question.
Hope you will join me in this quest. And thank youbfir the applause, I now certainly know that I made the right decision. 😂😂


I love to write under pseudonym WillG as I believe whatever I write, it actually is written through me. My writing is my impression of the expressions the world has in my life. I know you'll like it. Apart from that I love coding, violin and am an engineer.

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