
Poem:LOL (Live Out Loud) :D


I see people live life with dullness and just passing it. I see potential in them, I see greatness in them but still somewhere they feel, they are good for nothing and this life is a burden for them. These are the people who are caught up in asking the question “Why bad things happen to good people?” I wanna tell them that “Hell the question is itself wrong. The question should be, what good people do when bad things happen to them?” To them I say, “When bad things happen to good people they become better not bitter.” Don’t let your heart taunt you for the things you should have done but didn't do. You tried not listening to it and probably felt sad, sometimes you gotta listen to it and feel the joy of following it yourself.

If going right didn't work well, well, try left, try everything, don’t quit. Don’t quit my friend. If you are reading this, then don’t quit.

Do you stand back, when others are dancing?
Do you curse while others are romancing?
Do you feel distressed when you are all alone?
Do you feel you are as cold as stone?

Why have you stopped living my friend?
Why are you so caught up in the ‘Why me?’ trend?
Why are you out of fun and energy?
Why are you walking in dullness and lethargy?

Come on my friend wake up, wake you heart,
Wake your soul, and freshen your start.
Don’t live your life virtually or only in virtual networking,
Get up and check if your talents are still lurking.

When was the last time you faced the fear with enthusiasm?
And did not deal change with words of sarcasm.
When was the last time you tried something new?
And felt happy just watching life that the Gods drew.

Don’t wait for opportunity to live with dropped shoulder,
This world was a gift not a painful boulder.
Just go out and act as your heart wants,
Otherwise you’ll have to listen to its taunts.

Why are you waiting for this poem to end?
Get up and live your heart before the death’s angel is sent.
Because you won’t be able to follow your heart then,
You’ll have to go with death, with music in your heart and your life in vain.



I love to write under pseudonym WillG as I believe whatever I write, it actually is written through me. My writing is my impression of the expressions the world has in my life. I know you'll like it. Apart from that I love coding, violin and am an engineer.

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