
One Minute Read: Gratitude For The Selfless People Of Our Lives

The hard work and care of the people who work in the background of life is usually easily missed. These are the people who are usually taken for granted...

It is said 'Out of sight is out of mind.'

We have to someday take a day off and search for the people who have been working for making you stronger indirectly. Who have been sacrificing themselves for you. Some faces might come up quite easily. Like mum, dad, bro, sis... But there are many more. Many who might have just left you alone, to see you grow, but will come back when you stumble. Many who are there for you, just at any time of day. Many who will share some lessons with you that you need but rather indirectly coz they know you need it. The people who give so much if themselves, selflessly...

In busy pace of life, ask yourself have you given enough time for these people and sacrificed a bit of you for them? 

In busy pace of life, ask yourself have you given enough time for these people and sacrificed a bit of you for them? These are people who make life worthwhile. Take a day off to thank them from the hearts....

Thank them, hug them, kiss them for being there....
Don't wait until they leave a void and then you realize the presence they had in your life...

#WillG #WisdomRoad #AChoiceForANewStart #Family #Friend #Wisdom #OMR


I love to write under pseudonym WillG as I believe whatever I write, it actually is written through me. My writing is my impression of the expressions the world has in my life. I know you'll like it. Apart from that I love coding, violin and am an engineer.

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