
Preserving Individuality in Relationships

In last five-six months, I got unique opportunity to observe relationships in very different way. I came to a realization recently and felt sharing with all.

Technology has found out a unique place in life. The modern day gadgets and apps have certainly brought people at a distance that is non-existent. I found out that this reduced distance in relationships have been rather deterrent to the relationships. These apps have decreased the distance between people and people have come so close that individuals can't see themselves without their partner/friends. What the apps have been doing is that they are killing the individuality.

I want to tell my dear readers that, however deep you are in relationships, don't let the relationships destroy your individuality.  Don't get so deep in the relationships that you can't find yourself. What makes people love each other is this individuality, and if this individuality is hampered, the relationship might get hampered too. However deeply you love the person in front, don't forget to take few hours of the day for yourself. Few hours of introspection, self-talk, self-improvement, self-analysis or just few minutes in where you cut off yourself from the world. The hours, in which, you are just yourself, without any attachment. (Don't worry, I am talking no spirituality here.) By attachments, I mean, a place in house where you can do what you want yourself to do, where you are not bound by the relationships or even controlled by these day-to-day gadgets.

Take a small timeout each day, and check the course you are on.

Take a small timeout each day, and check the course you are on. It is very essential that one sphere of life doesn't affect another. So find that corner, which is your corner. Just yours. And go there and find yourself. Talk to yourself. Take a pause from this speeding life to dig the diamond inside you.

Take a pause from this speeding life to dig the diamond inside you.

Have a prosperous life and an awesome relationship.


I love to write under pseudonym WillG as I believe whatever I write, it actually is written through me. My writing is my impression of the expressions the world has in my life. I know you'll like it. Apart from that I love coding, violin and am an engineer.

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