
30 Seconds Read: The Curious Reality!

"The world we see and understand isn't the reality but rather an image projected by the goggles/ we wear to see them. Goggles of values, prejudices, perceptions, observations and experiences. Hence, to tell the reality, there isn't any reality after all but merely a projection. A projection, solely existing in our mind, which we see through the goggles which are as invisible as the reality itself. So what we see is a virtual image of the real world, which has been created by us in our mind for over our life. So we always have the choice to change the way we see reality.  Curios! Right?"


I love to write under pseudonym WillG as I believe whatever I write, it actually is written through me. My writing is my impression of the expressions the world has in my life. I know you'll like it. Apart from that I love coding, violin and am an engineer.

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