
One Minute Read: Me and My Dog; A Memoir

Yeaaah....reading this definitely makes me sad. It's been more than thirteen years since my pup 'Sheru' died. But his memories are so vivid in my heart. I still remember the way he would peek down from the first floor balcony when I would call him and occasionally howl my arrival to my mum. He would sit in my dad's lap in the evening, while watching TV. Sit near mums legs, when he would be hungry. Occasionally sleep, with his head on my or my brother or uncle's arm.

I also remember the day when I shouted from the ground floor for like ten minutes just to realize he was no more there. That small face and paws that barely climbed the balcony grill was never gonna be there anymore.

Naah...he wasn't just a dog. He was much more. I wonder what humans did to deserve such a sincere friend in a dog. A being that gave us his life. A being that came for a short period, to change me enough to shed a tear or two even after thirteen years. Yeah. It has been that long.

I wonder what humans did to deserve such a sincere friend in a dog.

People say out of sight is out of mind. Maybe true. Maybe false. Maybe, mind forget but one still has to ask "What about the heart?"

My buddy used to look just like this Champ

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I love to write under pseudonym WillG as I believe whatever I write, it actually is written through me. My writing is my impression of the expressions the world has in my life. I know you'll like it. Apart from that I love coding, violin and am an engineer.

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