
OMR : Start Slow but Improve Exponentially

Every person has a wish to be better than he/she currently is. However, the first road block that everyone comes across in deciding to change. When that decision is done, second thing is acting on the change. However, most people start with a belief that change has to be a slow. It works by continuously taking micro and not macro steps.

Today’s world works with a competitive edge and thus slow and steady has to make a transition to fast and efficient. So even if you start slow, you have to grow exponentially. No matter at which step you start. (I hope you didn’t miss that!!) Start slow but GROW EXPONENTIALLY. Don’t limit your limits!

Start slow but GROW EXPONENTIALLY. Don’t limit your limits!

You cannot run marathon on first day of training. However you cannot run a marathon if you keep running 2 km daily either. Improvement, exponential improvement is the key. But does that mean, I’ll progress exponentially every day? Definitely not. There will be days when you might not reach the set targets. But those will be days you will grow the most : mentally! Remember perseverance was the secret that made a master out of a disciple. Keep improving. Keep Living!

Perseverance was the secret that made a master out of a disciple. 


I love to write under pseudonym WillG as I believe whatever I write, it actually is written through me. My writing is my impression of the expressions the world has in my life. I know you'll like it. Apart from that I love coding, violin and am an engineer.

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